Business & Finance

Neotrics: The Rise of Entrepreneur

दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतत् देवानुग्रहहेतुकम्। मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः॥ As Swami Vivekananada had once said- the world is metaphorically divided into humans, epistemophilic and legends. Analogously,

High Road Value Chains

If you are very keen about pursuing down-to-earth offline MBA education on exiting the severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-2-governed-contactless college education, then here is a challenging research

The Make-Buy Decision

Standard textbook microeconomics does not tell us anything about whether industrial firms have direct control over all production (vertical integration) or why they

How Competition Manifests

Perfect competition is no competition. It is a bricolage of imagination of the neoclassical economists. By contrast, what is real—antagonistic and turbulent—competition within