Personal Development

“This is the only video you need to watch to beat procrastination!” “Here’s why you’re procrastinating and how to stop”“How procrastination destroyed my life”“5

Personal development-an often-undermined word with unknown benefits and theories.
‘As life is like a riding bicycle, you need to keep balance to keep moving’. So it is true that “Bliss lies in

Dan Ariely’s Predictably Irrational
In 2002, Daniel Kahneman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for integrating “insights from psychology into economics, thereby laying the foundation for

Economics as Science and Ideology
(Book review of Offer, Avner and Gabriel Söderberg, The Nobel Factor: The Prize in Economics, Social Democracy and the Market Turn, Princeton University

Right Brain Attributes and Skills for a Good Society
What is a good society? It is “what we strive for and we aim to build it around core values: Equality, Democracy and

Why Study Economics
Suppose you are seeking admission to economics courses and you are provoked to answer the question why you want to do economics, and

Inside the Firm Review: Part I
Work Organisation and Worker Participation In order to understand why identical firms show up productivity differentials and why in each firm the input-output

Inside the Firm Review: Part II
Skill Formation and Development Approaches to skill formation among workers within the auto industry appear to be strongly influenced by national traditions. In

Inside the Firm Review: Part III
Remuneration and Compensation In light of the worldwide slowdown in economic growth and productivity in most advanced industrialized countries in the 1980s and

Inside the Firm Review: Part IV
Job Security and Staffing Arrangements The automotive factory is not a good place to work; it has always been a tough work environment.

Inside the Firm Review: Part V
Enterprise Governance, Worker Organisation and Labour-Management Relations Do workers have board-level involvement (i.e. at the level of Board of Directors) in large firms?

The Truth Behind Half Truths
“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”- Oscar

Choosing the Story You Will Stand In
There are seven life’s most basic questions: Who am I? Why do things happen? What is the purpose of life? What is human

Being Somebody, Becoming Nobody
A documentary was released recently on the American Richard Alpert metamorphosed into Baba Ram Dass as a disciple of the Indian Neem Karoli

Medics v/s Marxists on Mental Health
There are numerous mental health songs. I have particularly loved listening to a nice mental illness song of hope, titled Brave, by the

Charles Wheelan’s Naked Economics
Naked Economics — Undressing the Dismal Science is an insightful book by Charles Wheelan that even a layman can undoubtedly comprehend. Being someone

CeLevitt & Dubner’s Freakonomics
Following is the chapter-wise summary of the book “Freakonomics” by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. Chapter 1: What do schoolteachers and Sumo wrestlers