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 Political Correctness

The drive to create a more inclusive and respectful society has led to changes in the way we refer to individuals and groups.

Reimagining Hindustan

What if way back in 1600, John Watts and George White decided to become pianists rather than start the East India Company? What

Ecological Politics

Ecological political economy is not easy to understand as there are a hundred flowers blossoming under its banner, so to speak. What overlaps

Liberal Politics

Just as the Left has failed to integrate prefigurative politics with strategic politics to bring about democratic and egalitarian society as pointed out

How Can Rural Labour Survive?

There is no right to work in India. The ruling governments have been least bothered about full employment policies and practices in independent

Suppressing the Tide

Whether it be Article 19(1) of the Indian constitution or the 1st Amendment of the constitution of the United States or any other

Encircling the encircled

Our Prime Minister is an honourable man. He does what he says; only at times, people don’t understand. He keeps his promise. He

The Democratic Dream

Mirror, mirror on the wall… Which is the most perfect democracy of them all? Democracy or government by, of and for the people,